You can help and support the pre-school in any of the following ways.
1. One-off sessions: All parents are welcome to help out at St Paul’s, at one-off sessions or on a more regular basis. It is a wonderful opportunity to take an active part in your child’s learning and education.
2. Committee members: Parents are invited to join the pre-school committee to aid staff with the day-to-day running and management of St Paul’s which is a great chance to meet other parents.
3. Event volunteers: Help is greatly appreciated at events and fundraisers throughout the academic year such as the Christmas Shopping Evening, Easter Fair and Summer Fair.
4. Easyfundraising: A simple way to let your own online shopping raise funds for your chosen charity. Please sign up to www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/stpaulspswinchester and up to 15% of the purchase price of your goods will be donated at no additional cost or effort to you!
5. JustGiving: The easiest way to donate, and with the benefit of gift aid, is via www.justgiving.com/stpauls-preschool We use this regularly for fundraising events with parents’ employers matching donations and other great initiatives to boost the funds for our small charity.