St Paul’s Pre-school is managed by Silvia Brown (BA Primary Practice/EYTS). We are proud of our teaching team who provide a wealth of skills, experience and specialist expertise ranging from languages, outdoor learning, music, drama, speech, communication and language.
Each key worker is responsible for their child’s individual assessment and is the first point of contact for the parent. Our staff undertake regular training which is assessed internally and externally.
Silvia Brown
Lead Early Years Teacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead
Melanie Pammant
Deputy Lead Early Years Teacher & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Leonie Plant
Deputy Lead Early Years Teacher & Health and Safety officer
Katie Hillier
Early Years Teacher, SENCo
Anne Hughes
Early Years Teacher, PANCo
Emma Small
Early Years Teacher
Cathy Blackburn
Early Years Teacher
Rachel Murton
Early Years Teacher
Yoosun Hur
Lisa Chisnall